Friday, October 19, 2007

it was the best of times, it was the worst of times

The day couldn't have started any worse. I rolled over in bed during an intense dream and promptly ended up on the floor. I started the coffee brewing and jumped in the shower, thinking a nice hot steam would wake me up and help start the day well. Wrong again. The water was nice and hot, but I slipped and fell on my ass, bruising my leg and shoulder painfully. Then I dropped the shampoo on the floor, which split and splattered shampoo all over the bathroom. After making it out of the bathroom I discovered that the coffee pot had randomly broken, spilling hot coffee all over the counter, down across the floor, soaking into the rug and ruining my papers on the counter top. So much for a hot cup of coffee. I decided to try for breakfast instead - but the milk had gone bad, I was out of bread for toast, and the eggs burnt when I tried to make an omelette.

And it only got better from there. I went across town for an appointment and missed the bus, ended up running five blocks in the rain, and arrived soaked to the skin. Is it any surprise I didn't get the job? Arrived back home to find a "surprise" the dog had left in the corner and my answering machine full of nasty messages - employers, neighbors, clients, family. Everyone seemed to have something to bitch at me about today. And it wasn't even noon yet!

Okay, so that wasn't really my day. It was a day in the life of the imaginary person who lives in my mind... Okay, that's not quite right either. But I did have a bit of a discouraging day. Compared the one described above though it was pretty damn good. Definitely felt under the weather though - or maybe I was feeling the weather. It was an overcast, almost stormy day. I woke up feeling like I had no reason to get out of bed - not a good start. I didn't do much of anything all day. Dropped off one resume, but wasn't able to do up a cover letter for it. I am experiencing severe boredom. Not good. I need something to keep me occupied. A job, a hobby. Both would be good. I need to take up dancing or climbing or something. And I do need to get another job soon too. I spent the whole week going over to the mall and applying for jobs. Had a couple of interviews. One went really well - I thought - and I wouldn't be surprised if I get another call for that. We'll see. Monday I have some more to go apply for at the mall again. I would like to get a job in retail, customer service. Would be good for me, and I do enjoy interacting with people. Someplace with cool clothes or something would be fun - then I could get a discount. Or a bookstore. I would love to work at Chapters. How much would that rock?

I'm starting to feel a little bit stuck in Windsor. Not cool. I like this city less every day - but I have ties here now. And I can't afford to leave. I'm really stuck! Even if I got a job in another city, I literally don't have the cash to move. I wouldn't mind to go to London or something, even Toronto, just to get out of this hole, get a decent job, all that good jazz - but I'm stuck. Today I've been feeling very trapped, like I have no choices, cannot do anything to get out of where I'm at, etc. Not a nice feeling. I'm sure things will get better - but it's frustrating to be in this situation, to be discouraged and not able to snap out of it, to be forced to work one dead-end job after another, and none of it anything that I really enjoy doing. Yuck.

And that's my bitching for the day. Now I'm going to head home and pop in a movie and relax, go to bed fairly early, and try to find some way to entertain myself tomorrow...

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