Monday, December 10, 2007

christmas time is here again...

Yes, I realize it's been a while. I am fully aware of the fact. But you're lucky I keep a blog at all, so I don't want to hear you complaining, ya hear?

Let's see, what has taken place since last I spoke with you? Not a whole lot, it seems. I am still working at the Caffe - and still enjoying it. Two or three shifts a week there is good for me, but not too much. The people I work with are pretty cool, and it often actually cheers me up to go into work! How bizarre, eh? Our Christmas party was last weekend. Jon went with me. It was an okay party. Was the Caffe and the Caffe owner's husband's business office as well - so there were two groups of people there, and most of them I didn't even know. The Caffe staff were put in the back room and it felt like we were at the kids' table. Not too cool. The food wasn't that great either. But it was all paid for. Open bar and everything. Wasn't too bad of a time. I actually ended up getting to know Jon better, and had a great time chatting with him. It was a sexy, romantic evening with him. My favorite kind. The next day was not so fun though. I was sick. And drinking the night before did not help the cold/flu that I had going on. I had to go in to work at 10 and I felt like shit all day. Woozy and nauseous. Not cool. I was sick for about a week there - part of the time it was like a cold, part of the time like some kind of flu. Very weird. And very not fun. Yes, yes, I know... I need to start taking vitamins, and eat more fresh fruit, and all that good stuff. I know! I've been telling myself that too.

I am getting excited about Christmas. Going to be doing some baking sometime this week. Actually, Heather is going to come over one day and we're going to bake up a bunch of goodies. I have a number of recipes I want to try - including of course my traditional maple fudge. It wouldn't be christmas without it, so don't worry, it's on the top of my baking list! Going to be a good time for sure! Jon has already put in his hint for shortbread cookies. He's cute. So those are on the list as well. It will certainly be a good time. Put on some christmas music, maybe have some wine, and of course sample what we make!

I need to do stuff like that more often. I really enjoy baking and doing crafty artsy stuff, but I never take the time for it. Lately I've been just craving it. Craving the opportunity to be creative and make something yummy or beautiful or unique. I should start sewing again. I love making quilts - and have all kinds of material saved just for that. I just need to start doing it again. The only problem is I don't really have a space to do it. I need a room somewhere that is just for things like that - for sewing, crafting, etc. With a dresser or shelves or something to organize all my crafty things, a place to keep a sewing machine, and plenty of space to work and create. Ahh, I'm dreaming now...

Well, t'was lovely chatting with you, but I must be on about my day now... Farewell, dear reader! Until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! I found your blog on the recently updated blogs links. It's so refreshing to see someone share such a personal account of their everyday life. Have a lovely Christmas :-).