Saturday, December 29, 2007

teh adventures of jess and heather...

Another girls' night out, and more adventure than we've had in a while. We usually seem to attract some attention - we can't help that we're two very attractive women, after all - but last night was more than usual. It was rather entertaining. Seemed like everywhere we went someone would start talking to us, or sending us drinks, or wanting to play pool with us. Seriously, they were all over the place! We started at Aardvarks Blues Cafe - it was fairly uneventful there, had a couple of drinks, listened to the live music, then went to Old School Club for a bit. Had a couple of drinks there. That was where the guy sent us drinks. We were standing at a table, drinking our drinks, chatting, people watching, etc, and this guy came over with two drinks and said some guy at the bar had sent them. Interesting. Then I went to use the bathroom and came back and there were two guys chatting with Heather. lol. Nice enough guys, though the one that then started chatting with me was a bit dull - not really all that interesting. I was ready to leave shortly after that.

Our next stop was The Honest Lawyer, to play some pool. It's our favorite pool hangout. So we drank some beer, shot a game of pool, and then left. Chatted with the doorman a bit on our way out - we are known at some of these places now - and then went to Koko Pellies. It's an older crowd there mostly. I like hanging out there. While we were at the bar about to order drinks a couple of guys came and started talking to us. Younger guys. Our age. They were rather interesting to chat with though. No dull conversation there! Talked about music and stuff. Got me wishing again that I had some musician friends to play with, maybe be part of a band again. I miss that stuff! Anyway, that was interesting and entertaining. We closed that bar - they were sweeping up as we were walking out the door. lol. Been a long time since we stayed that late! Was nice to have some good conversation though. But wait, the night didn't end there!!!

So we left Koko Pellies, the guys we were chatting with went somewhere to eat, and we decided to check in with my bar owner buddy and see if he wanted to hang out for a bit. He's always told me if we ever wanted to hang out after hours to just give him a call. Didn't reach him on his cell, but as we were standing in front of his bar trying to call him, someone came to the door, asked who we were and let us in. So we hung out with Pat and a bunch of his guys for a bit. And again, had some stimulating conversation with one of his bartenders. A really nice guy, seemed really honest and down to earth. Older - but didn't look it. We were both shocked when we found out how old he was! lol. He had some good stuff to say though, good view on things and good advice. We got to talking about relationships and differences between men and women and communication and stuff. Very interesting convo! Very insightful and made me think about stuff and realize what I need to work on with how I communicate in my relationships. It's always nice to get good advice from guys about shit like that.

So that was our interesting night. A good girls' night out, I would say - though my body might have argued with that this morning. Oy! I need to remember to drink more water when I go out, so I don't end up feeling like that! It's not pretty.

And that's it for this chapter in The Adventures of Jess and Heather....

1 comment:

♥Miss Heather♥ said...

Hey that was a fun night, usual...hehe...didnt know you had this site...I've seen it on myspace...that you moved...:)