Tuesday, January 1, 2008

new year determinations

I don't make new year resolutions, because I would likely break them most of the time. I have been doing some thinking though and seeing things that I do want to change. So I have some determinations for this new year - things to work on and improve on. So these are my new year determininations:

Communication. I must learn to communicate better, to say what I am thinking and feeling, particularly in my relationship with Jon. Time to stop being afraid to speak my mind, and to say what I really want, really think, really feel. Even if I have to start with writing it down. I'm much better at writing things than speaking them, so perhaps that's what I need to start doing. I can write it out, then talk about it after if need be. But there are things I can start saying too. Just speaking up more in general.

Hobbies. I need to find a hobby or two. Maybe take dance lessons or something. I need things to do to get me out of the house, to meet new people, and do something that I can be passionate about! I am going to research dance lessons/classes and see what I can find, see what's available. Perhaps I will look into a place to take yoga too. And I would like to volunteer as a Big Sister as well. Just some things that I would enjoy doing, and that would expand my horizons.

Vacations. I am going to go away, out of the country, for at least one vacation this year. Go to Cube for a week probably with Jon. I've been wanting to do that. I haven't really been out of Windsor since last Christmas!!! That's not good. It's time to take a good look at my life, do some rearranging maybe, and start doing what I really want to do - including getting out of Windsor sometimes! I've lived here for a year and a half, and haven't even been to London or Toronto yet - and they're only a drive away!

Car. Along with the vacation thoughts, I've also been thinking about transportation. If I had a car, I would go more places. I could go to London or Toronto if I wanted to. As it is, I'm dependent on the bus system or Jon for a ride anywhere. With my own car, I would have the freedom to just go - with or without anyone else. I am going to have a look at finances and job situation and figure out what I need to do to be able to have a car again!

And that's the jist of it. My new year determinations. Basically things I've thought about and talked about before, things I've done to a point before as well. Just time to take it to the next step, go a little further.

So on that note, here's wishing you all a very happy, successful and prosperous new year!!!!

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