Monday, August 4, 2008

no one ever told me i could rope the moon

In fact they were all very good at discouraging even trying. There was reality, they said. Anything outside of their knowledge or experience was just fantasy. So you want to go to college? Great, no problem, we know you can do it. You can do whatever you want. But what if I want to rope the moon? Twirl that lasso around and around my head and out over the moon, pull it down, down until it kisses my face. Who says it can't be done? They all do.

But one day I did it. I heard them all around me saying, Get a real job, or You can't always live in a dream world, or Don't let your imagination get the best of you! And I shut them out, closed my eyes and took a breath, then began to twirl my lasso around my head. It swung out, out, out until it swished around the far side of the satellite. I tugged it snug and began to coax it down, romancing the moon. And it kissed my face, leaving a residue of other worldliness and a call in my heart.

No one ever told me I could rope the moon. Perhaps they just didn't know. But I always knew, in the part of me that is me, I knew that I could do anything I want. I knew that I had the potential and power to fly or shake the world. I knew I could rope the moon!

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