Wednesday, August 13, 2008

what have we lost?

It amazes and saddens me to see how much we as humans have lost - or simply never gained perhaps. We rely on so many things for our happiness and success, never achieving what we really want, when all the while, we have the power inside of each of us to shape our lives, our destinies, exactly the way we want.

All my life I've heard people talk about doing something or having something IF it's "God's will". "I will go to this school, if that's what God wants," "I will get this job, if that's what God wants," "I will overcome this disease, if it's God's will." Don't get me wrong, I'm not "knocking" the God-thing - whatever works for you - but it makes me want to shake people and say, wake up! You have the power inside of YOU to make your life the way YOU want it - and incidentally, there is nothing wrong with that! You deserve to be happy. You deserve to dream, and to see those dreams fulfilled.

So why do we settle for what someone else wants? Why do we feel guilty for choosing something that we really want, or for living our lives the way we really want? Why do we stay stuck in dead-end jobs, and abusive relationships? Why do we live in poverty, afraid to even suggest that maybe we should be seeking wealth? Did you know that you cannot have a full, happy and fulfilled life without money - and lots of it? Even if you want to save the world, help your community, do all those noble things, you still need money!!! But somehow money has become "evil", and poverty has become "blessed". We have fallen so very far from our full potential that most people don't even have a clue as to what their lives can really be.

Religion has played a huge part in this backwards attitude. Poverty is extolled and wealth is looked on as bad, if not downright evil. If you want to be wealthy, then "you have your priorities wrong". If you seek to do what you want, and to live the life that you want, then you are "selfish" or "not following God's will." Funny that no one ever clued in that just maybe, perhaps, God would want you to live the life you want and be happy? And just maybe, perhaps, God would like to see you rich in money, as well as other things?

We have so much potential! The power of the human brain is incredible when it comes to success, and setting goals and achieving them. Did you know that you can convince your subconscious mind that your life is a certain way and it will then do whatever it takes to make it so? Your brain is the most powerful computer in the world - but how many of us actually take advantage of it?

I want to challenge you to tap into that power today, to start to change your thinking and to realize that you can have what you want, and that you deserve to live a successful and fulfilled life, full of wealth and happiness. Know that you can accomplish absolutely anything that you put your mind to - and do it!

For more resources on this topic, check out "One Minute Millionaire" by Robert Allen and Mark Victor Hansen, "Goals!" by Brian Tracy, and "Secrets of Success" by Jack Canfield. And, if you get through those and want more, contact me, I can hook you up! Reach for the stars, if that's what you want, and don't give up until you have them!

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