Tuesday, November 25, 2008

time to turn up the thermostat!

"It's better to give than to receive." Did you know that saying was originally a greek saying? And did you know that the actual translation is "It is better to be in a position to give than in a position where you have to receive"? Funny how things get so skewed and taken out of context, huh?

This was something I learned at the conference on the weekend. We talked about being good receivers. When someone compliments you, what should you do? You should simply say, "Thank you". Don't compliment them back. Simply receive it with a thank you and let them have the joy of giving the compliment. Or if someone offers to pay for your meal, don't argue with them over who is going to foot the bill - just say "Thank you" and let them have the pleasure of giving! I think we could all learn to be better receivers!

This applies to money and wealth as well. No one deserves to be poor. It is not more noble to be poor. And you are certainly not less spiritual if you are rich! I grew up with the mindset that it was noble to be poor and that rich people were greedy or had done something wrong to get all that money. Guess what? This is wrong! Generally speaking, it is poor people who are greedy and selfish, because all they are worried about is making ends meet for themselves! I've seen this in my own life. When I'm broke, that's all I'm worried about! I'm FAR less likely to help someone else out, because I'm so damn worried about my own finances. Wealthy people, on the other hand, are financially free, they don't have to worry about bills and making ends meet. They are in a much better position to help those around them and to give back some of their wealth to the world.

Somehow our society has passed on the belief that you should be satisfied with what you have, that you should work hard for your money, have a good career to support yourself, and be content with only what you need to survive. Anyone else see something wrong with this picture? How did money become so "evil"? And how we become such slaves to it?

Think about it: how much time do you spend worrying about money? Do you have to scrape to pay your bills? Do you have to work long days, or at a job you don't like, just to make enough to survive? That's certainly the boat I've been in my whole life! But I sincerely believe it doesn't have to be like that, and I am committed to obtaining financial freedom. I am committed to making my money work hard for me, instead of the other way around, and working smarter instead of harder. Anyone else want the same?

We each have a financial "thermostat", a level that we are comfortable at, because we are used to it, and because we subconsciously believe that is the level we should be at. We maintain that thermostat, and if our financial situation gets higher than that, we sabotage it, usually without ever realizing that we are! Hence the reason that in order to achieve wealth and the success I want, I have to change the way I think and the beliefs I have. I've been programmed to be poor - it's all that I've ever been taught! But guess what? Wealth is a learnable skill. Success is a learnable skill. Making lots of money in business is a learnable skill. It doesn't matter what you want to do or what you want to achieve - it is a learnable skill! If someone else has done it, then you most definitely can too!!! The only difference between me and a wealthy person is that they know something I don't!

It's so easy to complain, to blame other people and circumstances for where we are. I've certainly caught myself doing it many times! But guess what? I create my own life. No one else is responsible for where I am and how I'm doing. No one. I have the power to create exactly the life that I want! Again, it's a learnable skill! You can have reasons and excuses, or you can have results, but generally you can't have both. Or as Mr. Ford put it, "Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can't, you're right!"

I want to be able to look back when I'm 30 on the last five years and be amazed at how far I've come. I want to be successful and rich, instead of explain why I'm not! And so I am no longer going to make excuses and give reasons. I'm going to get results instead!

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