Friday, May 16, 2008

growth pains

I'm sure we are all familiar with the concept of physical growth pains - the idea that as a physical body grows, there are certain pains that come with it as the body adjusts. Anyone who works out or exercises strenuously knows this as well. Astonishingly enough, this goes the same for mental, emotional and spiritual growth. I know, surprise, huh? For someone who is committed to lifelong learning and personal development, I am familiar with these growth pains. I am learning that the trick for me is to be able to look past the pains and not get focused on the side effects of the growth.

I am learning to handle pain better - I've often been a wimp when it comes to any kind of pain. When it comes to personal growth, I tend to get all excited and see things I want to change and improve, but then get overwhelmed because I can't do it all at once, or because it is not happening as fast as I want it to. I have always been impulsive and ready to take action, sometimes without thinking it through enough. This can of course result in even more growth pains than necessary. I am learning, though. That is the whole point of personal improvement after all.

Lately I have been finding myself tempted to get discouraged again. So much information, so many challenges to do more, be more, and so many areas to work on in myself or my business. It gets overwhelming when you don't know where to start, or what to focus on first. Again, a learning curve. It is possible to learn to prioritize and put things in perspective, so you don't get overwhelmed and know where to start. I am learning to do this for myself and am finding ways to cut back on multi-tasking, or write out to-do lists, and even using a day planner to keep myself more focused and to get things done that are important and constructive, as opposed to just time fillers.

Over all, I would rather be feeling the growth pains and having to learn new organization and prioritizing skills, than to be content staying in exactly the same place. Life is about growth, development, trying new things. And in the end, it is well worth the pain to be able to look back and see where you've come from and how far you have come. My 25th birthday is coming up, and as I look back over the last 10 years, I am amazed to see how I have grown and developed, and the path I took to get to where I am today. I am thankful to the people who have helped me along that path and encouraged me during the rough spots, and inspired during the high spots, but most of all I am thankful for the spirit and confidence inside of me that has pushed me to where I am today. After all, it wouldn't matter who was trying to encourage or inspire me if I wasn't able to accept it and use it.

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