Friday, September 5, 2008

i was never taught...

There are a lot of things that I was never taught - how to set and achieve goals, how to function in an intimate relationship (particularly sexually), how to make money work for me (instead of working for money), and many other things. In fact, I was raised with the opposite mindset with these things. I was taught to work for money, and the topic of how to function sexually was certainly avoided. Goals were talked about, but no actual training on how to go about it exactly. And these are all skills that I have come to believe are rather important to success in life!

So no, I wasn't taught these things, but I have been learning them as needed. And it fascinates me how easily we humans adapt to things, and how much we are capable of learning. We may not be brought up with a skill, but our brains are so amazing that we can literally program that skill right in with some training and practice - and it then becomes something we can do without thinking! Have you ever stopped and really thought about that?

I can do anything I want. I may not know how - yet - but I can definitely learn! It doesn't matter what I already know or don't know, it doesn't matter how I was raised, it doesn't even much matter what natural talents I have! I can learn and do anything I want to do - and so can anyone else.

We really have no idea of the power of our mind. We let ourselves slip into an everyday routine, doing what we know and not remembering that we have the power to do whatever we want and create whatever we want. For instance, did you know that if you set a goal, picture it in your mind, and do that continually every day, that your subconscious mind will see that, see the reality, and figure out a way to make that the reality? It will try to line things up, make it match, by doing whatever it takes to make that goal reality in your physical world. Yes, people, THAT is the power of your brain!

So you may not have learned something growing up, you may have been taught things that don't help you now, and not taught the things that you most need, but guess what? That doesn't matter, because you have the world's best computer in your head - and you can accomplish anything you want! :)

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