Monday, September 8, 2008

who wants to make money?

A friend of mine recently posted a note on facebook talking about how he was committing to double his income in the next 6 months and was looking for others who wanted to do the same. I enjoyed his note, as this certainly parallels what I have committed to do myself, but I was amazed at the negative responses he got. Some of the comments had me gaping and shaking my head.

People, especially "christian" people, seem to be shockingly threatened by someone wanting to make money. The comments in response to his post included digs and insults (subtle and righteous of course) that triggered a sad outrage inside me. He was as good as accused of being a "spoiled brat" who "needs" a private jet, big mansion and several expensive cars. The comments were defensive, as if people felt they suddenly had to defend themselves and explain why they didn't need or want more money. The theme was one that I have heard over and over all my life. "I have my wonderful friends and family, what more do I need?" along with references to "God's will in my life." And all of this simply because one man declared that he wanted to succeed financially!

What is the problem with money, and when and where did people get the idea that it is evil to want to make money? What is wrong with this picture? What kind of society ridicules and discourages someone wanting to be financially successful? What is this mindset that holds so many people captive - and broke or close to it? How have we become so ignorant when it comes to money?

Perhaps this is in danger of becoming my favorite personal rant. It is certainly a topic that causes me much concern, as I firmly believe we can all be financially successful and live the lives we desire and were meant to live - but so few people will let go of their current beliefs enough to realize that there may be a better way. They are "content" to live from paycheck to paycheck, putting their money into cars and houses, that cost them money instead of making more. They have not been taught how to make money work for them, and so they work for money. It seems to me that the real evil where money is concerned is this attitude and ignorance that enslaves people to money, instead of learning how it works and how to make it work for them...


Anonymous said...

who cares what other people think. Make money and make it be your slave! I hope to do that one day. Make money my slave! and I am a Christian too. don't listen to all those flakes Jess... I believe in you... keep me posted when you're coming here!

-Mark W.

Teh Jess said...

lol. Thanks, Marco! :)