Saturday, January 17, 2009

what do you want to be?

In an earlier post, a couple months ago maybe, I made a comment about how I am determined to be successful, to live the life of freedom that I desire, and to drag as many people along with me as I can - especially my family! That is why I will continue to promote good ideas, books, programs and so on that I come across... Like this one...

Site Build It!
I've already talked about it, and about the website I started a few months ago, and the one Jon and I are starting now. I've mentioned things about it to various individuals who I think could greatly benefit from it as well, but I'm here to share some more about it.

We sat down today to continue through the program - we are currently working on Day 4, which is researching ways to monetize our site them - and I got reading through some of the case studies, stories of people who have done it, and are doing it. Every day people like you and me.

These people are doing what they love. Take this gal who was stuck in a job that she hated, and now does what she loves, building websites about topics that she is passionate about, and working on her own terms!

Or there is this gentleman, 61 and retired, a writer who found out it was next to impossible to get published because he wasn't well-known, and very difficult to get well-known without lots of money and connections. So he started building websites, writing about his chosen topics, getting better known, and then publishing his own book.

Or Judd, a 24 year old who has also changed his life around completely.

And the stories go on and on. 62% of Site Sell sites are in the top 3% of all websites on the internet - Site Build It! really works!

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