Thursday, October 1, 2009

i have a problem with religion...

Yes, I grew up in it. Right up through my early 20's even. I guess it worked well enough for me then. Gave me something to throw my passion into for a while.

But it really held me back in many ways too.

I think my biggest issue with religion is all of the focus on "God" and "heaven". Not that there is anything wrong with believing in a higher power, or believing in life after death, either.

My problem, is that most people tend to let these two beliefs hold them back from realizing their full potential right now.

I've heard it all my life:
"I can't wait until we get to heaven and leave all this sadness behind" or
"I would like to do this, but I'm waiting on God to see if it's His will" or
"I don't need any of those things because I have Jesus".

Yes, I even said things like that at one time - but I'm not sure that I ever really believed it.

I've come to the realization in my own life, that if I don't do it, it's not going to get done! I can sit back and wait for "God's will" until I get old and die - and nothing is going to change.

It is my life, and it is up to me to make it what I want it to be. No "ifs", "ands" or "buts" about it!

I got fed up with wanting to live a good life, have all the money I need and want to build that life, be able to do what I love and never have to work the rest of my life in a dead-end or boring job, etc etc.

I got fed up with being told that it was noble to be poor and that I should be content with working hard in a good steady job.

I got fed up with being expected to seek God's will on everything.

I got fed up with waiting for heaven for things to be good.

What if heaven isn't real?

Now I realize I probably just pulled the rug out from under some of you - "What?!? Heaven not real?" But humor me - put aside those thoughts and just imagine with me for a minute.

What if it isn't real? What if this one life here on this earth is the only shot you've got at experiencing anything?

It's awful short. I intend to live well into my 100s, but even 100 years is pretty short in the grand scheme of things!

What if this is all you've got?

What would you change in your life, if you lived like this was your only chance?

It is changing things in my life, this realization. Even as I am writing this, it is changing things in the way I think and making me realize that I still have more potential, more possibilities, than I had even thought an hour ago!

When you live like today is all you have - what kind of life would that be? What would you focus on and what would you accomplish?

I'm through with planning for heaven and waiting on God to tell me his will for my life. It's my life, and I am going to live it to the fullest and learn to enjoy every single moment, every single experience - and create the lifestyle, adventures, dreams, businesses, etc that I want!

Not only that, but I am going to share as much as I can with those around me, to enrich their lives and encourage them to do the same. So if you're going my way, come walk alongside, and let's boost each other toward where we want to be in the here and now!


Anonymous said...

Hey there girl, you know, I understand where you are coming from and understand why you feel the way you do. I hear you, "I can't wait for heaven bit" in the terms of sick or hurting people in this world, yes I can't wait for heaven. On the other hand heaven isn't my goal I see heaven as a nice vacation from this world but that doesn't mean I can't and don't enjoy this one! I believe God wants me to enjoy it here, he's the author of dreams, beauty and success. It took me absolutely years to get it out of my head that having anything nice or being pretty or being successful etc. was o.k. or God forbid something I should strive for. I see many of my friends complaining and whining that they have nothing or wish they had what I have but sit on the couch and do nothing. Having said that I believe and know it is God blessing my "hands" and multiplying my efforts giving me the ability to have and be content with what I have. It took me years to not feel guilty for having something beautiful or buying cloths to look pretty, or God for bid having something for strictly pleasure or praying about that pleasure. If you take a step back and look at the world around us the creator of this world is a lover of beauty and abundance I don't believe for one minute that he desires us to go along in poverty and blandness. If that makes you happy go for it, because that is what he truly desires for you, but for me beauty and success are gifts from heaven. As for God's will for me I find so much peace to know that my well being is in the hands of the one who knows me best. After all if we hadn't prayed about the airplane we have now we would have ended up with a ugly one :) Yes I prayed about an airplane, something for purely pleasure. I could tell you a lengthy story how God stopped us from buying an ugly one so we would be able to have a better one. Now, why would He do that when it was for useless pleasure? Because he loves me! :) I have a book that I have written in over the years how God has divinely worked out things for us when there was no way out and no, most of them you can't even ration away as coincidental. For me He is real and for those who choose to throw God out I believe are those who have been shown Him in a false light, actually lies. Thank God I've seen and tasted something better than what I grew up believing. Please don't take this as preaching or harassing :) I just wouldn't want someone I care about throw out so much joy and happiness based on lies.

Love you Jess!


Anonymous said...

LOL I had to use anonymous as the other choices weren't working for me :) -Shawna

Teh Jess said...

Thanks for the comments, Shawna! Always great to hear what's going on in your life. You are an inspiration to me! :) It's great to see other people who are really striving to be all that they can be in the here and now. ;)

Thanks again for sharing! :D
