Monday, April 28, 2008


I finished the business admin classes on Friday. It was somewhat sad, as I will no longer be interacting with the others in the program on a regular basis, but it's nice to have my mornings back. I was able to hit the gym this morning without having to go super early, which I definitely prefer!

I was paid a very nice compliment by one of the others in the class. She said she wanted to compliment me on being a young adult and having my own business, as well as the dedication it took to bike to class every morning, and never late. It really encouraged me to hear her say that. A couple days later I was talking to Jon about it and got to thinking about why it is that it means so much to me to hear things like that. Sure, we all like to be complimented and hear that other people admire us, but there's often even more to it than just that too. As I was analyzing myself and my background, I hit upon a very interesting dynamic. I've always had a good reputation, been seen as a "good kid", but it was always because of the family I was from, or the church I attended. So sure it was nice to hear, but I was piggybacking off of someone else for the most part, and it was never just my reputation. That has all changed now. I've been living in Windsor for almost two years, and no one here knows my family, or even really has any idea what they are like! Not only that, but I'm no longer associated with any religious group or organization. The reputation that I am building is finally completely my own. And to hear someone compliment me and say they admire me for having my own business and having the dedication to bike to class is a sign that I am building the kind of reputation I want. It's like a road sign that says I'm going the right direction.

It's always been my dream to work for myself. I was just never satisfied with someone else giving me a schedule, telling me what to wear and how to run things. From my first real job on I was always chaffing at having to work for someone else. I knew there was a better option, I just wasn't sure how to get there. Imagine my relief and wonder to now find myself with the resources and ability to be able to do exactly that! It feels a bit unreal, but I guess I always knew I could do it - and I was definitely given some of the tools needed while growing up.

So business is going well! I've been keeping busy getting my books all set up and my paperwork and office space organized. Spent a few hours on the weekend getting rid of stuff and re-organizing my whole room. Gives me the warm fuzzies to walk in now as my living space is so much improved! Minimal clutter, more floor space and just an overall nicer looking room. Makes it much more pleasant to work in.

I've been spending a fair bit of time outdoors as well. Planted a little garden at Jon's and have been helping him with some other things around his place too. Feels great to get creative and make something with my hands, as well as just do something physical. Since most of my work is on the computer, and I spend a lot of time sitting and typing, I start to crave actual physical work and getting my hands dirty. Thankfully I have a boyfriend who has his own house and is more than glad for the help!

And that's the update on my life...

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