Saturday, November 7, 2009

sunshine - life or death?

In recent years, the "sun scare" has become more and more pronounced. We are warned from every direction to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. We are directed to slather on the sun screen and wear sunglasses to protect our eyes.

We are told that too much sun causes skin cancer.

So we often "huddle" inside out of the sun, with our air conditioning running full blast, trying to keep cool in the heat of the day.

And if we do go outside, we smear on the sunscreen (or feel guilty if we don't!) before we head out under the rays.

Why do so few even think to stop and wonder if the sun is really bad for them??

I've been doing some reading lately on how we actually need the sun, how it produces Vitamin D in our bodies, and how sunscreen is actually dangerous! But of course they will never tell you that, because there is no way to profit from it. Sunshine is free for all!

As I sat out in the backyard and pondered this earlier this afternoon, I was taken back to my childhood. Winters were long and cold, and by the time spring was even just a glint on the horizon, I antsy for it to get there! I remember many times going outside to lay in the sun on a sunny day in April, or maybe even March! No, it wasn't warm out yet, but if you huddled down into the wheelbarrow you would be out of the wind and could begin to feel the sun's warmth.

I did this numerous times. Soaking up as many rays as I possibly could. I'd hunker down in the wheelbarrow, wrapped in a jacket or blanket. I'd read a book, or close my eyes and snooze a bit. There would be snow on the ground all around me, but I was cozy.

I instinctively knew that sunshine was good for me - and my body, mind and soul craved it after a long cold winter.

I haven't lost that craving. As I look ahead toward winter, I wish today would never end. The sun feels so warm and good, particularly since I know it won't be this warm again for a few months.

And sure as anything, come March or April, I'll be very antsy for spring to arrive. I'll be soaking up every ray I can possibly get, coaxing my chilly heart out of the hibernation of winter.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I dont think the summer sun in Canada is that bad but skin cancer here in New Zealand is awful cause their is no ozone layer from "american pollution" or so they say skin cancer is one of the leading causes of death here.
I love the sun as much as the next peson and miss the safety of the north american sun.