Wednesday, January 30, 2008

cute old ladies

I went to wait for the bus, and there was this little old lady at the bus stop. As soon as I walked into the little glass shelter there, she said, "You should have worn a hat." And she was right. She likely saw me shivering, my teeth chattering because of the cold, and she was right. I should have worn a hat. It wasn't the first time I had thought it, either. So while I stood there shivering and swearing at the cold and the bus for being late, she chatted on about how she had decided to come downtown today - instead of doing things at home - because she had seen the weather forcast for the next couple of days and decided to go while it was still somewhat "warm". Wait a minute, "WARM"?!? Today was anything BUT warm, let me tell you! If it's going to get any colder - oy. I'm ready to fly south with the birds.

But to continue on with the old lady... She was cute. She was telling me about how she'd done the typical housecleaning, then baked an apple pie - then went on about how her son's mother-in-law had sent her this gift basket, with some apples, with the stipulation that she make her an apple pie with the apples - and how she had then complimented her on the apple pie... She was so cute! It made me start thinking about old people and how I never really pay any attention to them or notice them - but there is probably a lot I could learn from them! Not only are they cute, with stories to tell, but they've lived a lot longer than I have and no doubt have a lot of wisdom and life experience to share with us younger folks.

I've been thinking about hibernation - and what a wonderful concept it is. Tuck yourself away somewhere cozy and warm, and sleep until it gets nice outside again. If only I could! It sounds fantabulous! Either that or migrate. Either one would have me cozy and warm - and that's what I care about right now. I'm getting real tired of winter and cold. I'm ready for spring and warmth. Maybe next year I will do some traveling during the winter - and miss the cold altogether! Wouldn't that be nice?

Business is picking up. I am excited about that. I have new clients and potential new clients. I am enjoying meeting new people and working on new projects - and seeing my business grow thrills me to no end! My first newsletter will be coming out for Spideys Web Design shortly as well. Very exciting! :-)

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