Friday, January 4, 2008

musical musings

Music speaks to my soul in a language that cannot be put into words. So does nature and art. It's a language that goes straight to the deepest part of me, bypassing the mind and striking a chord with my heart of hearts. It awakens a longing in me, a hunger,
but also a feeling like I'm on top of the world and flying, soaring the heights of the impossible, with the ability to do absolutely anything I desire. It is when I feel the most alive. It is when I feel the most sad, and the most happy. All at the same time. There is no way to put it into words, to describe it accurately or fully. Anne of Green Gables said it in a good way - but I can't even remember how she said it now. It was in the book, and I would probably have to read the whole thing again to find it. But when I read it a few years ago it amazed me to read it and realize that someone else knew the feeling and had tried to describe it. In some ways, it's the loneliest feeling I know.

I crave music. I hear something I like, something that calls to me, and I ache to be able to play it, to make that kind of music. I long to be a part of a band or some kind of musical group, or just have friends to play and sing with, harmonize with. I took it for granted when I had it back home in BC, and now that I don't have it I miss it incredibly! If I at least had a piano, it wouldn't be so bad, but I'm not good enough on the guitar to be able to just sit down and play whatever I want, or make up something. I don't have the freedom on it that I do on the piano. So I should maybe look into buying myself an electric piano or something. That would probably be a very good investment for me...

We were watching Speaker's Corner on CityTV the other night and there was one group who sang "All Hail King Jesus". It wasn't the song that impressed me so much, it was the harmony. It was a capella, of course, and they sang different parts and harmonized and it was beautiful! I miss singing harmony. Tried it a couple weeks ago. Jon and I went to a Christmas program at the church his ex-wife and kids go to, and there was the usual singing of Christmas hymns and whatnot. I tried harmonizing, singing alto, but in that group it was hard. Not sure why. Just didn't fit in. But that group on Speaker's Corner sure had it going on!

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