Thursday, February 7, 2008

matchmaker? no thank you!

How do you tell your "friend" - or more of an aquaintance really - that no, you will not try and hook him up with your single sister? Or rather, how do you tell him WHY you wouldn't do it? Sure, he's not a close friend, but you still don't want to hurt his feelings or tear him down, ya know? But at the same time, there are definite reasons why you wouldn't hook him up with your sister! Come to think of it, of all the single guys I know and am friends with, there is probably only one or two that I would recommend to my sister, or a friend, as a potential "boyfriend" or love interest. I know quite a few that I would actually warn someone away from. What does this say about my choice of friends, or the people I am aquainted with?

I met with a new client this morning. I like new clients, and I like meeting new people - although it's always a little awkward, the first meeting after talking to them on the phone or by email. I always wonder, what is this person going to really be like? The guy I met with this morning is about the same age as me, nice looking guy, nicely dressed, friendly - the kind of person I like to work with. Turns out, he just moved here from BC about 8 months ago, so it felt a bit like meeting someone from home. More work will be nice - and some money to set aside for my car - not to mention another website in my portfolio.

I spent some time at my usual coffee shop hangout yesterday, and met an interesting fellow. He came in a while after I did and sat at the table next to me. He had an apple laptop as well, so we got talking a bit about Mac and how we like it and whatnot. Then the conversation just went on from there. Turns out he writes, stories and whatnot. I happened to be working on Hiram's (my brother) website at the time and he saw the title, That Story Site, and asked about it. The end result was that he is interested in having his story put on the site - which Hiram will be quite excited about, as he's been wanting to get some more authors to share their work on the website. It was rather nice to chat with another writer and have some friendly conversation - as opposed to just keeping to myself and doing my own thing. It's always interesting to meet new people - broadens my experience.

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