Monday, February 18, 2008

tea adventures of teh jess

I decided to walk downtown tonight for some tea. Needed to get out of my tiny room and get some fresh air, so I bundled myself up, grabbed my book, and headed out. Stepped outside and it was such a beautiful night that I decided to take the scenic route - along the river. What a beautiful night! Clear sky, moon shining, the Detroit skyline all lit up. It was fabulous! Cold, but fabulous. I need to just go out walking like that more often. It's good for me. I do some thinking, clear my mind, and give myself pep-talks. Seriously, if it wasn't for my self pep-talks, I wouldn't be who and where I am today! It's those moments when I clear my mind and get serious and honest with myself that give me the courage and strength to go on and live life.

One thing I asked myself tonight was, "How good can it get?" Then I stopped and went, "Whoa, wait a minute... Yeah, how good can it get?" My immediate response to that question was, "Well, let's find out!" If I can live each day with that attitude - Let's see how good it can get! - imagine what life would be like? Going into each day looking for it to get good - how could it help but to be great? Life is what you make of it, right?

So I went and had my tea, but by the time I was walking back it was colder, snow was blowing, and the wind was right in my face - so the walk back wasn't quite as leisurely and enlightening - other than the fact that I discovered that Tim Horton's doesn't have my favorite cookies anymore. Yes, I was sad about that. Stopped in to get some for a treat and what do ya know? No more peanut butter chocolate chunk. And the Chocolate chip caramel ones are now different and cost more. So much for my cookie treat. I was disappointed! But I suppose my body will be greatful...

So that's my little venture for the night. I came back home feeling refreshed, confident, and ready for a hot shower and bed. Goodnight, faithful readers!

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