Wednesday, February 20, 2008

mr cutie

I call my littlest brother Mr Cutie, and as you can see from this and the other email I shared, he is definitely that! Got this one from Mom tonight and it totally cracked me up. I couldn't stop laughing at the line about him waking up the babies. lol. I'm not putting the pictures on here tonight. Might get to that tomorrow - at least the ones of Destiny, as they are pretty cute too.

"Here are some pictures that Whitney wants you to see. The first one is his male mouse and the second one is his female mouse...she just had babies, so he got moved to a different cage cause last time he [the male] ate the babies! We don't know how many babies she has yet...afraid to look in case of upsetting the mother. Last time Whitney would "wake" the babies up and so this time he is not looking for a week.

"Then the last two pictures are Destiny, "wearing" the deer antlers that Whitney found out behind the church on Sabbath. They are very fresh and there were deer tracks out there so you could see that the deer shed them right there! Pretty rare to have two shed in the same place. Whitney is pretty proud of them and has polished them up with neatsfoot oil so they are very shiney. Well, that's it for an update on Whit's life."

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