Tuesday, February 19, 2008

teh jess needs a vacation

I've been saying it for months, but have not done anything about it yet. I keep thinking I can't afford it - which may very well be true - or I keep waiting for Jon and I to go away somewhere together. Whatever my excuse, it's been over a year since I went anywhere really out of Windsor and it's time for that to change. So, I've booked it. I marked the days off on the calendar at work, checked into train tickets and am going to go and get my Via Rail ticket in the morning to go to Toronto for a weekend. A friend is going to hook me up with a place to stay for a couple days and probably show me around a bit too, plus I'm going to spend some time just wandering around and checking out things by myself. It's going to be a weekend for me to recharge and see and do something new.

I thought about taking the Greyhound, since it's cheaper, but when I actually checked prices it's not that big of a difference, and then I stopped and thought about it. I have never rode on a train. Since this is my weekend to do something new, I guess a train ride is an excellent place to start. Sounds good, right?

So it may not be the warm, sunny beach I was picturing, but it will be a vacation none-the-less. I'm pretty excited about it too. It's been a while since I went on an adventure all by myself. It definitely feels like it's time to stretch those wings of independent adventure again - even if only for a weekend.

Along with my upcoming vacation, I am also going to see a movie by myself tonight. I may find it depressing. I've never gone to see a movie by myself. But I think I will kind of enjoy it. Maybe. I'll let you know. I decided that I need to get out of the house more, instead of just sitting here all night alone and bored. So why not go see a movie, even if I don't have anyone to go with me at the moment? Can't hurt. Plus, it's cheap Tuesday at the theatre...

1 comment:

JarW said...

Love your attitude! If I was in Toronto you could come hang with me...well you'll have to do that even when I get there. Even if I was busy there would be a place to stay and crash at.